Funny Motivational Speaker has a Favorite Event

Funny Motivational Speaker has a favorite gig

A tough question for a funny motivational speaker is, “what’s been your favorite gig?” I generally say, “the last one that gave me a check”. HA! A funny motivational speaker is supposed to answer funny, right? But with over forty years and thousands of audiences, I always thought it impossible to single out one event.…

Funny Motivational Speaker courts with disaster

Funny Motivational Speaker Flirts with Disaster

A funny motivational speaker can sometime focus too much on being funny. I’ve had a lot of oddball things happen to me over the years, but this “disaster” is one I can quickly remember, even though it happened a few years ago. And yes, as a funny motivational speaker I sometimes tell it on stage.…

Funny Motivational Speaker and his FFA Reunion

Funny Motivational Speaker and his FFA Reunion

How did this funny motivational speaker get his start? My career as a funny motivational speaker had it’s beginning when I served with a group of guys as National Officers of a youth organization (FFA) 40 years ago. We spent a year criss-crossing this country thanking donors, speaking at youth events, and attending conventions. Hadn’t…

Funny Motivational Speaker Looks at Funny Studies

  I’m a funny motivational speaker so I look for observational humor. It often ends up in my programs.  Research studies from think tanks, universities, and the government will almost always provide some fodder when you’re in the business of being a funny motivational speaker.  None of these were intended to be humorous, but they…

Funny Motivational Speaker Hosts a Food Show

Funny Motivational Speaker Hosts a Food Show. WHAT???

When you’re a funny motivational speaker and emcee, you often get thrown into situations you never thought you’d experience. Not too long ago I worked one of the coolest gigs I’ve ever had. I presented a couple of programs for a food service wholesaler and also served as the emcee for cooking demonstrations during the…

Funny Motivational Speaker is Inspired.

A funny motivational speaker is supposed to make a joke about everything, right? Not in this case. This will be a vast departure from any previous writing. I have always attempted to make my newsletters uplifting. When you make a living as a funny motivational speaker, people expect that. Humor does that. But that’s not…

Funny Motivational Speaker Looks at Road Construction

Funny Motivational Speaker Looks at Road Construction

A funny motivational speaker gets to travel a lot. And that’s annoying after a while. Particularly when you’re navigating road construction. Most of my work as a funny motivational speaker involves travel by plane, but lately I’ve spent more time than normal traveling by car. I’m glad this happened when fuel prices spiked. I have…

Funny Motivational Speaker goes to the Post Office

Funny Motivational Speaker goes to the Post Office

Funny Motivational Speaker heads to the Post Office.  Yikes! Going to the Post Office sometimes (okay, every time) requires patience. Particularly if you’re a funny motivational speaker with a short patience span. Every time. Not some of the time. Every time.  I swear every time I go to the post office, I get behind THAT…

Funny Motivational Speaker, Weather, and a Fat Foot

Funny Motivational Speaker is Motivated by a Check

Funny motivational speaker doesn’t mean fun all the time. Particularly when you’re battling the elements and a fat foot. Some of you know I’ve had my foot in a cast, and then a boot for a while. I’m getting better, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to run a 10 flat hundred or…

Funny Motivational Speaker Makes Resolutions

Funny Motivational Speaker makes Resolutions

Funny motivational speaker will probably fail at New Year’s resolutions like everybody else. I’ve always thought resolutions were something that went in one year and out the other. They’re soft goals that seldom get met because they just fizzle out over time. And the bigger deal you make out of them, the bigger disappointment you…