Funny Motivational Speaker or Gilligan?
Should a funny motivational speaker have better self awareness? You be the judge.
The son of one of my best friends insisted on “showing me the town” a recent Saturday night since I was batching it for the weekend. Now remember I’m happily married (not sure about my wife), and I’m certainly not interested in any sort of impropriety, but I’m thinking the new social scene might be kinda’ fun. Not that I even know what today’s social scene looks like. I thought we might be going to “the hop”, or a drive-in movie. Maybe even play a riveting game of marbles. So excited!!!
So let me replay the set-up: a married pot-bellied fifty-something out with a single twenty-something stud. Yep, this can go wrong on so many levels. I know you’re thinking it’s going to end badly, so let’s cut to the chase.
I’m an old duck out of water way past my bedtime, and I’m standing at the bar trying to act like I belong. This is no place for a guy who makes a living as a funny motivational speaker. Although the thought of me looking hip at a young singles bar is pretty funny.
That’s when it happened for this funny motivational speaker.
I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned and a short distance away a beautiful young girl waves at me. I wave back in a feeble attempt to look hip. I wasn’t. Think Gilligan or Gomer Pyle. I’m guessing she was 30 because she looked 15. That’s the formula I use these days because everybody looks like a kid. This social foray has just begun. Seconds later I’m tapped on the shoulder again. I turn and this time the young filly winks at me. You read this right. She WINKED at me! I don’t know what’s proper here. Can’t remember my winking etiquette. So still playing it cool, I winked back. Think Gilligan again. I’m now pretty sure that this old man has still got it, whatever “it” is. Age is just a number, right? This young gorgeous thing apparently is intrigued by the silver fox she finds interesting. That’s when she taps me a third time and motions me to come closer so she can say something to me. I drop in a breath mint and lean in only to hear this, “you remind me of my dad”. Balloon busted. So much for still having it. I ain’t “got it” and I’m not sure I ever “had it”, but this I know for sure: if a young woman is eyeing me, I’ve probably spilled something on my shirt or my fly is open.
I’m just sayin’.
Mark Mayfield…A Funny Motivational Speaker with a Serious Message
To watch Mark on stage click here.
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